Geometric Balancing Live, Portfolio on 8.30.19

If you haven’t noticed already I’ve added a new set of numbers at the top of the blog. I’ve linked the strategy composition to the blog to update live as the market moves. You don’t have to wait until the weekend any longer to see where the portfolio is heading.

Now I post this info for fun, it isn’t a recommendation. It is pulling live data from around the web for the calculation, and sometimes those data links don’t update correctly. Without seeing the input data, you can’t tell if they are correct. I’m going to set it up to blank the numbers when the links are likely broken, but that may not be foolproof. Therefore understand at anytime this data might be incorrect.

That said it should work most of the time.

Secondly, this data will lag real time a bit. I expect by about 15 minutes. I’m not really sure how fast this formula will update through the blog, but I do know it will lag some. Normally, this won’t matter, but in fast moving markets it may.

Weekly Update

Good week, up 1.4% for the week. Over the past month, the strategy earned nearly 3%, while the S&P 500 is down nearly 2%. A good month. On August 30th, 2019, the portfolio rebalanced to:

48% SPY , 36% TLT, 16% GLD