Calculations are my own. Results are theoretical, do not represent returns that any investor actually attained, and are not an indicator of future results. Returns do not reflect trading fees. Dividends are re-invested.
Leverage is a double-edged sword, but one I’ve grown to appreciate over the last few years. If you’re not careful, it will destroy you. However I’m not sure it’s possible to create world class, spectacular, returns without it. Used wisely, leverage actually increases the risk adjusted returns of a portfolio.
Leveraged Geometric Balancing uses a similar portfolio presented in the unlevered version of the strategy, it’s just scaled differently.1 For example, if the unlevered version calls for 50% SPY, 30% TLT, 20% GLD, and the levered portfolio calls for 2X leverage, the levered portfolio would be 100% SPY, 60% TLT, 40% GLD and -100% Cash.
As discussed in the welcome post the strategy:
- Invests long only. No shorting.
- Invests in 4 items: the S&P500, the 30 year US Treasury Bond, Gold, and Cash.
- Rebalances frequently.
- Applies up to 3X leverage via the Kelly criterion.2
- Uses a “factor of safety” in portfolio construction.
- Does NOT use momentum in any way.
The unlevered strategy aims to limit drawdowns to 15%. With leverage, the strategy pushes for returns. Therefore the drawdown target is relaxed to 40%.3 Yes, this is high, but we’re looking for performance in this strategy. What can Geometric Balancing really achieve?4
The Performance
Turns out Geometric Balancing outperforms most other return focused strategies (save RenTec of course) with a theoretical 21.3% geometric return over 41 years. The worst year was 2015 at -11.52%. The best years were in 1985 and 1995 at a whopping 95%. Only 6 years result in losses. Even though the strategy targets a max drawdown of 40%, the results only pulled back 30%. Thank the Kelly criteria’s magical powers for that.
Unlike the unlevered version, this strategy usually beats the S&P 500 in both the up years and the down years, outperforming the market 2/3rds of the time (27 of the 41 years).5
The following chart shows 3X Leveraged Geometric Balancing vs the S&P 500. You can see the portfolio absolutely trounces the S&P, while never suffering painful, large drawdowns of similar magnitude. Annual returns averaged 10% higher than the S&P 500, with only slightly more volatility. But importantly, most of this volatility is upwards, as the maximum drawdown is nearly half the market over the same timeframe.

Calculations are my own. Results are theoretical, do not represent returns that any investor actually attained, and are not an indicator of future results. Returns do not reflect trading fees. Dividends are re-invested.
Selective Leverage
Unlike many leveraged portfolios, this one adjusts leverage based on the current market conditions. I call it an “Up to 3X leveraged” strategy because it’s allowed to go to 3 times leverage, but the rules above will often not let the strategy go that far.
- On average, the portfolio runs 2X leverage.
- Its only pushes to 3X leverage 31% of the time, with most of those dates falling this century.
- The portfolio will go 100% cash, the last time being early 2001
- The portfolio has gone 300% stocks once, for 2 days in August 1995.
- The strategy’s highest bond amount was 230% on November 29th, 1987.
- I’ve capped gold at 96%.
- The historical average is about 120% stocks, 65% bonds, 15% gold, and -100% cash. Although as you can tell actually residing at this average is rare.

Calculations are my own. Results are theoretical, do not represent returns that any investor actually attained, and are not an indicator of future results. Returns do not reflect trading fees. Dividends are re-invested.
Next is a chart of the drawdown of the portfolio. The worst drawdown happened on July 3rd, 2002, barely passing September 21st, 2001. Other strong drawdowns occurred in 1978, 2009, and 2016.

Calculations are my own. Results are theoretical, do not represent returns that any investor actually attained, and are not an indicator of future results. Returns do not reflect trading fees. Dividends are re-invested.
Draw downs are definitely deeper, and more frequent with leverage. They also don’t always line up with stock market drawdowns. You’re going to feel these. Of course you’re going to feel a 20+% annual return as well, but in a good way.
Sharpe Ratio
Theoretically, when you leverage a portfolio, its Sharpe ratio should stay the same. But Geometric Balancing does not apply leverage uniformly. Similar to card counting in blackjack, it tries to apply leverage – increasing the bet amount – only when the odds are strongly in our favor.
It appears that the strategy works, as the Sharpe ratio of the leveraged portfolio is 1.01, vs .88 without any leverage.6 By using the Kelly criterion to size our “wagers”, does Leveraged Geometric Balancing successfully time the market?
A Different Way to Approach Market Timing
Most market timing strategies attempt to predict the direction of the market. Will it go up or down in the short term? Geometric Balancing does not have any idea if the portfolio will go up or down tomorrow. I assure you it doesn’t. Instead it determines the portfolio size by evaluating the consequences of repeating the next day.
Some say volatility is a measure of risk. I believe it is an indicator of the dangers of repetition.
Since the market is one gigantic repetition game, is this the the ultimate key: scaling your portfolio through the the Kelly criterion?2
1-The unlevered portfolio actually does use “leverage”, it just uses negative leverage. Most of the time when you see cash in the portfolio, its levering down either due to risk concerns (minimize drawdown) or to actually increase the total return of the portfolio, aka the Kelly criterion.
2-This post shows how to mix cash and a single asset. Tha same math works with cash and a portfolio. I should also note, I never target the Kelly Maximum point, but always stop short (to the left), which will be the topic of a later post.
3-You certainly can add leverage to a 15% draw down strategy. But due to to the risk limits it’s often going to be quite restricted. Since this post is aimed at showing the strategy’s top end capabilities, that restriction is counter productive for this post.
4-I will say I’ve never traded Geometric Balancing with 3X leverage. I’ve used some leverage, but a much tamer version. Partially because I’m only trading weekly right now, and waiting a week to pull down high levels of leverages is frightening.
5-I kept the analysis through the end of 2018 so that this post is comparable to the unlevered version. For reference, in 2019 through the end of November, the strategy would have returned 58%, with a standard deviation of 18% and a Sharpe Ratio of 2.67 on paper.
6-Sharpe ratio calculations are much trickier than they seem. It could be argued that my Sharpe ratios are too high, and that my standard deviations are too low. My values are calculated from daily data and then scaled through the almost universally accepted
Annual σ = Daily σ x √ 250
Problem is this formula is an approximation and is only accurate when the underlying asset has no expected return. It’s result are often low. I used it here since almost everyone else uses the formula too, allowing for comparisons to others work. At a daily level, where no scaling of the data is required, the Sharpe ratios are 0.052 unlevered and 0.056 levered, still showing nearly a 10% improvement due to leverage. For reference, the S&P 500 has a daily Sharpe of 0.029.
How do you account for the “cost” of being short cash in this framework, i.e. broker margin rates? Are you assuming you can get close to the risk-free rate cost of leverage using options/futures/leveraged ETFs?
Yes, assuming you can get close to the risk free rate.
So what’s the exact steps that you take to determine degree of leverage used?
If you have an idea of the projections for the return and standard deviation of the portfolio, plug those values into the risky asset part of this post https://breakingthemarket.com/how-to-balance-a-portfolio/
I’ll discuss in a future post about how I restrict that number further to protect against extreme drawdown and errors in the projections.
I would like to know the same thing
amazing blog. What kind of math background do you have? Do you your math skills from college or did you dive in other topics by yourself? Can you recommend good books?
Thank you I’m glad you like the blog.
I took four levels of calculus and linear algebra and vector geometry from my undergraduate engineering degree. I took a few finance classes with some finance math when I got an MBA. I’ve had to teach myself the stochastic part and how to incorporate randomness into it. Didn’t read any books, just googled topics and through youtube videos.
With the benefit of hindsight you have chosen 4 assets with positive long-term returns. What would happen to your strategy’s value (wealth) if the price of one (or two) portfolio assets (slowly) goes down to $0 over time? A simulation would be easy to do.
It depends on how they go down. Assets can go to 0 with a positive arithmetic return. Extreme example, up 300%, down 100%. Arithmetic average of 100% up. In that, case, the strategy would probably still do just fine.
If the asset went down with both returns negative, I would have to trust that my evaluation of the input variables catchs it and the strategy lightens up or gets out. Looking at the past, it’s usually quite good when only one is falling.
To your overall point, the three assets I picked have about a low a chance going to zero as any in the world. Certainly can still happen, and probably will as some point, but seems very unlikely over the near future.
Thanks so much for sharing your portfolio and your approach. It is highly enlightening. I wish to highlight a thread on Bogleheads forum [1] which is taking a very similar leveraged risk parity approach using 3x S&P500 (UPRO ETF, daily rebalancing) and 3x Long-term treasuries (TMF ETF, daily rebalancing) i.e. 60% TMF, 40% UPRO. This portfolio doesn’t include gold and cash assets, as well as maintains constant 3x leverage using leveraged ETFs. Also this portfolio recommends “inverse volatility” rebalancing at a monthly or quarterly interval. From my limited understanding, I see your approach is better diversified and reduced risk as it is modulating leverage. Do you recommend using 3x/2x ETFs from Proshares or Direxion in order to achieve the leverage for these 4 assets? If so, what should be the ideal rebalancing frequency and rebalancing approach?
I’ve been meaning to read that thread but haven’t gotten around to it yet. Yes the 3x and 2x etfs should work, although I’m not real familiar with their fees and cost of the implied margin they have. The ideal rebalancing frequency is always as often as you can, especially with leverage, as the leverage portfolio’s can change a lot in one day.
Their fees are unreal – and they vastly underperform in any choppiness whatsoever, like riding a razor scooter down Everest. Leverage works on the portfolio level – but 2 and 3x is too high.
“If the asset went down with both returns negative, I would have to trust that my evaluation of the input variables catchs it and the strategy lightens up or gets out. Looking at the past, it’s usually quite good when only one is falling.”
Is there anything inherent to the strategy that would get it out of a falling asset? If NO, why would you trust that it would get out of it instead of continuing to reallocate capital from the other assets until there’s no capital left to reallocate? If YES, then momentum (past return) must be e factor. Which is it?
It will lighten up on the asset if the other assets’s volatility is low when the falling assets volatility is high. That’s often what happens.
What does the beta and return stream look on an unlevered version?
I’ve never calculated beta in the backtest. I don’t find the metric to be that meaningful. The beta since I’ve been posting about it on the blog is about
Google Sheet for recreating leverage with levered etfs (useful for retirement accounts).
Ideal for brokers like M1:
People run HFEA or other leveraged strategies indefinitely maintaining a consistent 3x leverage on their portfolio. I don’t think holding up to 3x for a week is that crazy. That’s especially true considering the fact that you have to worry about leverage when volatility is high but your strategy naturally pulls back at those times. You should operationalize the 3x strat.
Matt – Are you able to share any information about the rolling window length for calculating parameters like expected returns and variances/covariances between assets? It seems like updating those estimates on a frequent basis would be beneficial for updating the fractional allocations according to Kelly sizing