We’ve taken a long journey together through the world of Geometric Balancing, traveling through some deep concepts together:

We’ve learned about the geometric return and why it’s all that matters.
We’ve acknowledged that the investing returns look mostly random.
We’ve explored why rebalancing improves returns by moving them from the geometric to the higher arithmetic return.
We’ve journeyed through how to balance a simple portfolio to maximize geometric returns.
We’ve evaluated which asset classes best fit inside this framework.
We’ve determined to treat leverage with caution, as it can cause untold damage to a portfolio when overused.
We’ve examined how much data you need to “understand and uncover” the true returns, standard deviations, and correlations.
We’ve built a simple framework for estimating returns, standard deviations, and correlations for stocks and bonds.
We’ve expanded that framework of maximizing geometric returns to include multiple assets and then cash.
We’ve watched as the concepts were implemented live, and saw how they navigated the Coronavirus Crash.
We’ve re-examined our inputs and realized they are full of errors. These errors can have serious consequences.
We’ve walked through the concept of the Geometric Frontier and how the Kelly Maximum is simply the peak of this frontier.
We’ve considered how input errors create a need for an investing factor of safety.
We’ve realized each person may have unique circumstances warranting different investing points.
Quite a voyage. For many, these ideas were brand new. They may have stressed what you knew and assumed about investing. They may have stretched what you thought was possible with investing. We’ve grown through this trip.1 Our understanding of investment markets is very different now than it was before this odyssey began.
And now it’s time to take this knowledge and return back to the full investing world, mark a milestone, and bring it all together. It’s time to combine everything above into an ultimate, usable, unified portfolio selection technique.
The Two Asset Partial Kelly Portfolio
As I did in a prior post, I’ve created a Google Sheet to educate how the entire framework unifies into a portfolio selection tool. It builds off the post, “optimum portfolio: two assets and cash“. In this case the sheet uses the S&P 500, long-term US government bonds, and cash.
This sheet is built and shared for educational purposes . It’s not a recommendation. I learn best by seeing a technique in action, and I’m sure some of you are the same way. The actual sheet is shown down below, but I’m going to work through the sections first.3
The first section is the Dashboard. It shows the geometric frontier, the selected portfolio on that frontier, and the data for two other key points on the frontier. This is where the input for your partial Kelly value is located as well.
The partial Kelly value is the key input that depends on you, the investor, personally. A value of 1 would be maximum risk and return, matching this portfolio. A value of 0.5 equates to half Kelly. A value of 0 will be 100% cash and no risk. This example uses 0.6 since the inputs below can be raw and error prone.4

Return, Standard Deviation, and Correlation Inputs
The second section pulls the inputs from live data found on the web. This section is nearly identical to the same section found in the prior post on two assets and Cash. It’s taking the prior standard deviation and correlation of the assets over a certain timeframe (20 days in this example) and the returns from the bond yield and the stock earnings yield plus half their typical variance.5

Geometric Markowitz Bullet
Next the calculations for The Geometric Markowitz Bullet. Portfolios of each possible Stock/Bond mix (step of 2%) are built and calculated with the equations discussed in the Geometric Frontier post:
Portfolio Arithmetic Return = Weight1 x Return1 + Weight2 x Return2
Portfolio St. Dev. = Sqrt[ (Weight1 x St.Dev.1)2 + (Weight2 x St.Dev.)2 + 2 x Correlation x St.Dev.1 x St.Dev.2 x Weight1 x Weight2]
Geometric Return = Arithmetic Return– Standard Deviation2 / 2

The Sharpe Ratio is also calculated in the left most column for use in the next section with the formula:
Sharpe Ratio = Arithmetic Return / Standard Deviation
Geometric Frontier

This section creates the geometric frontier. The geometric frontier begins at 100% cash at the bottom left and then grows towards 0% cash at the tangency portfolio. The tangency portfolio is the portfolio with the highest possible Sharpe ratio on the Markowitz Bullet. It is shown in orange.
At the tangency portfolio, the unlevered geometric frontier then bends and follows the geometric Markowitz bullet until reaching the Geometric Maximum, also know as the Kelly point. This is the last portfolio on the table with a calculated Geometric Return.

After developing the geometric frontier, the sheet finds the partial Kelly portfolio. At the partial Kelly point, the slope of the geometric frontier has degraded a certain percentage toward zero (read this post for the full details). So in this example, the original slope equals the maximum Sharpe ratio at 0.0983. A 0.6 partial Kelly portfolio means the slope of the frontier falls to
(1 – 0.6) x 0.0983 = 0.03930
or 60% of the way to zero. This portfolio is highlighted in red on the right.
All Together
For educational purposes, here is the full Google Sheet and a link to the file so you can see the formulas used. The sheet is dynamic, and should fully adapt to changes in inputs. As before, I’m the only one who has quality checked it, so if you see an error please let me know.
How Does This Backtest?
If we follow the precedent of the the prior back tests of the “401k post” and “two assets and cash” of these educational portfolios, and rebalance every month at the start of the month, a 0.6 partial Kelly portfolio produces the following results:

Calculations are my own. Results are theoretical, do not represent returns that any investor actually attained, and are not an indicator of future results. Returns do not reflect trading fees. Dividends are re-invested.
Look at that. This is actually quite close to the full Geometric Balancing with three assets, rebalanced frequently!
I want to caution you though, monthly rebalancing numbers can be sensitive to the date of rebalancing. There is some rebalancing timing luck coming from doing it at the start of the month which probably is only luck. It’s more realistic to view the returns slightly lower, leading to a Sharpe ratio in the the upper 0.7’s.
And even then, things can be tricky as I kept that back test through 2018 to match the others. If I include 2020, rebalancing at the start of the month produces the largest drawdown in March ’20 at 24%. So this back test is a bit rosy.
I’ll dig deeper into this and other backtests in later posts to show some interesting characteristics, but wanted to provide a comparison now to the prior numbers.6
Let’s Not Forget What Really Matters
As we take a moment to reflect at this mile marker, let’s not forget why we invest. Clearly, I like investing. You probably do too if you’ve traveled this far. But we’re not investing for the sake of investing.

We invest for what it will provide us in real life. Maybe you imagine the ability to retire earlier than planned. Maybe you imagine ability to retire with peace of mind. Maybe you imagine a higher standard of living. Maybe you imagine a larger house, or a vacation home. Maybe you imagine sending your children to the best colleges debt-free. Maybe you imagine the ability to give to charities. Maybe you imagine the ability to cooperate and help others.
No matter why you invest, we all imagine the ability to build a better life.
It’s going to take time. It takes hard work. However if you’ve journeyed this far, I believe you can reach your goals. Let’s keep traveling down that road.
Thanks again for reading the blog.
1-I’m very much included in this growth. I’ve had all these ideas, but having to actually put them into words in a cohesive explanation has very much solidified and molded them. It’s forced me to run into all sorts of tangents. Mentally, this entire philosophy was coherent and defendable.
3-I want to be clear: this isn’t the formulas for the strategy running at the top of the blog. That one is built around similar framework. It will be mostly similar. But in multiple posts, I’ve pointed out places where the strategy running at the top of the blog is different–where I would consider it improved.
4-Is this the correct value to use for partial Kelly? Not necessarily. I’m not really sure what the correct factor of safety would be for these inputs. But it is true these inputs will be quite off sometimes. Additionally, the partial Kelly number should include your own personal criteria, so there isn’t a universal answer for everyone. I’ll discuss in later posts ways to think about this number.
5-I’ve said this before, but these inputs for return, standard deviation, and correlation are quite raw. They are full of errors. They absolutely can be improved. They serve as a great starting point, and work very well as an educational tool to teach the portfolio construction concepts, but to really build a great strategy, they must be improved.
6-Readers are going to ask about a sheet like this with three assets. Maybe I’ll walk through that one too in a later post, but it’s a lot harder to build, explain, and understand. Two assets are much clearer because the geometric frontier above the tangency point is a smooth transition from one asset to another. With three assets that same transition is more complicated. Conceptually though, you can see through a two asset portfolio, how a portfolio of any size would work.
1. How do you predict a return of GLD? Is it the same as SPY, just P/E ratio?
2. Do you have any ideas how to predict the return of some stock, for example AAPL, it I what to mix it with your portfolio?
I’ve always though P/E ratio of gold, which is probably pulled from the gold lease rate and/or GOFO, would work well, but I don’t have enough data to really confirm. Haven’t spend enough time on single stocks. Closest thing would be the stochastic efficiency post, but that doesn’t seem to work real well for short term and has a wide deviation of being correct for single stocks.
Thanks very much for sharing your work with the investment community.
When calculating the sharpe ratio with real yields (earnings yield), normally I would use the geometric return . I understand that you also calculate the arithmetic return for bonds, so in itself seems consistent. However it may favor more volatile assets because of inflated returns with volatility.
So I am confused if one can use arithmetic returns in asset allocation. Could you elaborate on the reasoning?
I like using the geometric return for a Sharpe calculation as well, but that’s not the official definition and you rarely see it.
I use arithmetic returns in asset allocation. I think it would be difficult to not use them. I just optimize the portfolio toward geometric return.
Hey BTM,
Great work.
The sheet seems to have some problems. Not with pulling data, but with calculating and showing the frontiers on the dashboard.
I notice the Geo Frontier steps above 90% are returning errors, I am unsure why this is the case.
Thank you. For some reason this got flagged as spam. There was at least one mistake, as it was showing portfolio’s beyond 100% stock allocation. I will watch for the an error in portfolio’s over 90%.
Could you use your spreadsheet allocations to rebalance daily or even every few days or does the fact that all the returns, std deviations, etc are set to calculate their monthly values reduce the efficacy of using the allocations values of the spreadsheet to rebalance on a much more frequent basis?
You could do that. I’m not sure its optimal to do that, but I’m not sure its optimal to do it monthly either with this sheet. I do think the standard deviations at a day vs a week vs a month vs a year are not as simple as scaling by the sqrt of time like is typical, therefore you should technically tune the deviation used for the time period of expected rebalance, but that’s much more advanced stuff. This standard deviation wasn’t “tuned” for anything, it is the simplest possible “estimate” which I figured was the best choice for a demonstration of the construction aspects of the portfolio.
I have run this exact formula at weekly rebalance intervals in a backtest and will discuss those results when I dive into the backtests. I’ve never tried it daily though.
I found this article http://mrzepczynski.blogspot.com/2020/10/thinking-through-clustering-for.html and it matches your proposed risky assets nicely. You think that it would be beneficial for your model to add a fourth from the top left quadrant?
I’m not 100% what the primary and secondary features are, so its hard to say. Maybe commodity equities are a good idea. I haven’t really looked into those.
You think -> Do you think
I’m hoping that you will go into a little detail about your optimization process.
The spreadsheet seems to imply a brute force method, but i’m curious about
how you go about it in practice. I’m just learning about steepest gradient ascent/
descent and wonder if this method of optimization might be a possibility?
Also, in the early posts I got the feeling that the cash allocation was a byproduct
of the optimal geometric return. Now it appears that cash is included in the
optimization process as a 3rd asset in the case of the 2 asset portfolio. Is this
the case?
Mathematically, cash is a third asset. I could have combined the Markwitz part and the geometric frontier part and created a chart like in the geometric frontier post, with levels of cash mixed with each risky asset portfolio, but this is simpler, and clearer to communicate, when done it two steps not one. If stocks and bond either get volatile and/or correlated, this sheet will add cash to increase geometric return. In a normal environment though, cash doesn’t help the portfolio.